Public Media Professional Development Day

Join NETA and public media organizations across the country for PD Day 2025! Block your calendars now for Tuesday, June 24 for three hours of national public media professional development, beginning at 1 PM ET / 10 AM PT.
Opportunities will include live sessions, on-demand courses, the best of NETA Webinar archives, recommended reading, and more! Learning tracks will include:
- Business Administration
- Community Engagement
- Content
- Cyber
- Development & Fundraising
- Education
- Innovation
- Leadership
- Marketing & Communications
Help us build a productive and inspiring PD Day 2025! If you have recommended courses, books, blogs, or other ideas, please submit them through this form.
In preparation for PD Day, make sure you have a Public Media Learns account (and know how to sign in), and join relevant Peer Learning Communities. Contact publicmedialearns@netaonline.org if you need assistance.