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NETA Knowledge Network. Coaching, Consulting, Leadership Training, Workshops.

Canopy Gap

Todd Hoskins, Canopy GapCanopy Gap logo


Founded in 2009, Canopy Gap helps organizations and their partners work together and relate more effectively. We are collaboration geeks. Through developing new practices, processes, and frameworks, stations are able to be more adaptive and have a greater impact.

It's a great time to partner with an organization design firm when you are launching a new initiative, embarking upon a strategic planning process, forming new partnerships, or seeking to shift the organizational culture. If your aspirations are complex, Canopy Gap may be able to help.

Our top services include:

  • Organization Design
  • Adaptive Strategy & Planning
  • Innovation

All NETA Members receive a 10% discount off the Canopy Gap nonprofit rate.

Visit their website

Word Cloud: Working Better Together; Distribution of Power; Structures; Collaboration; Information Flows; Workflows; Governance; Decision Making; Conflict Prevention; Roles & Responsibilities; Purpose; Facilitation; Meetings; Compensation; Partner Relationships; Agreements; Team Dynamics; Creativity; Hybrid/remote Practices; Learning; Teamwork; Communication; Adaptive Learning; Self-Organization