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A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE: Embracing Neurodiversity

Program Rights Date Range
NOLA Code:
WDIF 0100 H1
Number of Episodes/Length:
11 / 30
Rights End:
Beacon College
Year Produced:
Exploring neurodiversity and celebrating families around the world

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#101 The Importance of Early Intervention
This episode of “A World of Difference: Embracing Neurodiversity” visits a Texas school for neurodivergent students that stresses early intervention. Our expert panel explores the value of early intervention. And you’ll meet our latest “Difference Maker,” Dr. Jason Arday, once mute and autistic, now Cambridge’s youngest Black professor.

#102 Praise that Makes a Difference for LD Kids
This episode of “A World of Difference: Embracing Neurodiversity” explores how praise boosts outcomes for neurodivergent kids. We meet Central Florida parents who motivate their daughters with praise, our expert panel offers helpful tips, and we reveal our latest "Difference Maker," PJ Manney, a dyslexic scriptwriter and sci-fi novelist who has forged a thriving entertainment career.

#103 Helping LD Kids Win the Homework Wars
This episode of “A World of Difference: Embracing Neurodiversity” explores how parents support kids who learn differently with homework. We meet a mom who is making homework less of a headache for her sons with ADHD. Our expert panel offers relevant tips on homework support. And our latest “Difference Maker,” Anthony Schmidt, shares his unique journey as a teen car trick photographer.

#104 Neurodiversity and Sports
This episode features New Community School and Beacon College, which offer competitive sports for neurodivergent students. Experts offer strategies to help kids who learn differently succeed in sports. We profile dyslexic “Difference Maker” Gary Payton II, who uses his NBA platform to make success a slam dunk for kids with dyslexia.

#105 Demystifying Dyscalculia
This episode features The Delaware Valley Friends School, which uses hands-on learning to help teach math to students with dyscalculia; Experts offer strategies for helping children with dyscalculia succeed at math; We introduce “Difference Maker” Giselle Mota, a workforce futurist for whom a past discovery ignited her accomplished present.

#106 The Science of Reading
This episode features Shefa School, which uses helps dyslexic students read by leaning on the science; Experts delve into the science of reading and implications for neurodivergent readers; We introduce “Difference Maker” Alix Generous, for whom the misdiagnosis of her learning differences is a plumb line for a multifaceted career.

#107 Helping Neurodivergent Kids Overcome Loneliness
This episode features an autistic Massachusetts teen whose parents are working to keep ahead of the loneliness curve; Experts share strategies to help parents help kids who learn differently conquer loneliness; We introduce “Difference Maker” Samantha Hiew, whose late diagnosis drives her passion to help others get the early help they need to thrive.

#108 Supporting Students with NVLD
We meet a Kentucky teen and promising artist learning as a homeschooler how to navigate nonverbal learning disorder. Our expert panel helps demystify this diagnosis and provides a roadmap for NVLD kids to excel. You’ll meet our latest Difference Maker, Dr. George M. Church, a Harvard geneticist and entrepreneur for whom learning differences haven’t quelled his quest to revive the wooly mammoth.

#109 How to Counter Learned Helplessness
We visit a Georgia private school for LD students for which countering learned helplessness is its mission statement. Our panel of national experts give tips for empowering LD students. And you’ll meet Difference Maker Ky “Rocketman” Michaelson, an inventor who didn’t allow an undiagnosed learning difference to scuttle his dream of blasting into space.

#110 Managing Anxiety in Kids with LD
We visit a dyslexic Massachusetts teen whose fear of classroom failure turned her mom into her relentless advocate. Our national panel of experts shares strategies for helping kids navigate anxiety. And our latest Difference Maker discovered that the dyslexia that darkened his childhood perspective helps him create magical digital vistas that thrill audiences worldwide.

#111 What not to Say to Parents of LD Kids
We visit a Massachusetts mom who weathered advice about her neurodivergent son that has run the gamut from helpful to hurtful. Our panel of experts shares how to offer support that celebrates neurodiversity. And our latest Difference Maker is an award-winning journalist who channels her experience as an adult with learning differences into articles championing inclusive workforces.

Program Rights

Broadcast Rights:
Rights Dates:
8/4/2025 - 8/3/2028
School Rights:
Concurrent w/bc
V.O.D. Rights:
V.O.D. Rights Type:
Concurrent w/broadcast rights
Linear Live Streaming:
Non-Commercial Cable Rights: